Spartan Martial Arts Grand Opening Event!
Coming up this Saturday, October 19 at Spartan Martial-Arts we will be having our grand opening event, at our facility in Oakdale Minnesota.
We Invite everyone to come out to Spartan Martial Arts gym and learn about our classes, coaches and training center!
Grand opening will start at 10 AM and go until, approximately 4:00 PM. We will have games food and lots of fun.
The main training coach Tom Schmitz will be available for any questions and he'll also be teaching classes throughout the day.
Our children's jiu jitsu coach Chris will be in attendance along with our Martial-Arts fitness coach Ben.
Make sure to make it out to be able to see all of our classes and get a better understanding of both the adults jiujitsu, children's jiujitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing classes and the Martial-Arts fitness program!
Spartan Martial Art
432 Hayward Ave N
Oakdale, MN 55128